Tuesday, December 31, 2013

We are adopting! What Joy!

It's New Year's Eve of 2013 and my heart is hopeful for what is to come in 2014.  We made a decision (as a family) to expand our family.  We feel deep within our souls God's calling for us to adopt an orphan into our family and there isn't one of us Smith's that isn't bursting with joy and excitement!

Wade came to me one day at the end of September and said he was ready to adopt and we needed to research where we would adopt from.  That started a 2 week journey where God made is clear that Ethiopia was the perfect fit for us.  People ask why we chose Ethiopia, but honestly, we feel Ethiopia chose us.  Due to the size of our family (3 biological children of our own with the youngest only 16 months) and Wade's profession in the US Army - we became limited to where we could adopt within the timeframe of the rest of our time at West Point.

For years, adoption has been on our hearts.  But due to moving every year, being stationed overseas, and wanting to finish adding to our biological brood- we didn't feel a peace from God that it was the right timing.  After moving to West Point, feeling complete with Connor and making a few good friends who exposed us to adoption upfront and personal we felt God saying it was time to do this.  He lined it all up in His perfect timing and we will continue to trust Him throughout this process.

We knew God would provide the right agency and the right country.  At the very end, we landed with Adoptive Associates out of Michigan and Ethiopia as our country.

We've begun the home study process and are compiling all the paperwork needed for the dossier.  We've also started all the training, and are thankful for all the resources that have been provided to us by friends and our home study agency.  Once we can get our dossier submitted (hopefully by March/April) we are told it is about a 9-12 month wait for a boy under 2 years old.  My heart stops when I think that our son may be a teeny tiny little infant right now somewhere.  We pray everyday for him- for the path God has laid out for him and for the hands that will care for him until we can bring him home to our forever home.

Would you pray with us on this journey?